Friday, August 19, 2011

A British citizen is put onto a stretcher and carried from the wreckage of the building to a waiting ambulance
At least ten people have died after two Taliban suicide bombers attacked a British Council building in Afghanistan's capital, officials said.
Two Afghan policemen and two municipal worker are believed to have been killed in the incident on the west side of Kabul, police in Afghanistan said.

There continued to be fighting this morning within the compound of the building with shots fired between security forces and insurgents as well as news of three more blasts.
Heavily armed men forced their way into the building after two suicide bombers struck but then several hours later there was a third explosion.

Sky journalist Jerome Starkey tweeted saying: 'At least 1 foreign national, middle aged man, evacuated from British Council by embassy security at 6.10am.'
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: 'We can confirm there was an attack against a British Council compound in Afghanistan.
One of the two police officers who was killed is carried away from the smoking wreckage by his colleagues
'The embassy is coordinating with the Afghan authorities, who are dealing with the incident.'
A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabiullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack. He added that the target was a British cultural centre and a UN guest house.


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