Friday, October 8, 2010

Nkhensani Nkosi from Stoned Cherrie is one African Designer l have to smooch today because she just does the most beautiful African outfits to die for...

l was  Glad I had a chance to view her collection  during my free time and l came across her designs she did  for the New Fashion week back in February.

The collection was shown in Sanlam South Africa Fashion  here are a few photos from her runway show.


love it love it...this just nice....

There was a Designer Diary Done on Nkhensani Nkosi from Stoned Cherrie,check out the interview.

What's the story behind the name "Stoned Cherrie"?
When I was looking for a name for the business, I knew that I wanted to start an African lifestyle brand and not just a fashion label. I also knew that I wanted a name that would inspire curiosity, make people interested but still give a sense of what the brand is about. Creating a brand that I knew was going to be about the celebration of iconic women, I searched around for a name that would achieve all of my creative objectives. At the time, my sister& a friend had written a film called "Black Stoned Cherry". I liked the comparison of the iconic woman I wished to celebrate to a cherry, which is for all intents and purposes a really beautiful creation with many positive associations. I also loved that in township slang "Cherrie" can be used as a term of endearment for one's "Woman".
What makes you happy?
My family, seeing my children grow, the corporate opportunities that exist within the Stoned Cherrie business, my unwavering belief in infi nite possibility and my love for life.
The highlight of your career:
In the current economic environment, everyday we are working, feels like a highlight, but I guess winning the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Catherine Awards, as well as showing at New York Fashion Week in Bryant
Who inspires you?
There are a lot of really inspirational people and brands in fashion - from Tamara Melon to Miu Miu - but I am really inspired by the many crafters who make intricate traditional
wear with no formal training, but just an abundance of creativity and raw talent.
Stoned Cherrie 10 years from now?
We are constantly evolving as a business - in a fi ckle
economic enviroment you have to keep re-evaluating and re-defi ning. We will always be pursuing our goal of being a Premier African Lifestyle brand - a Design House with corporate clients, and a number of lifestyle emporiums
Nkhensani Nkosi from Stoned Cherrie for Clinique throughout Africa.
Essential wardrobe pieces for Winter:
A good pair of jeggings that you can wear with a shift dress or any relaxed fi t top. A wool swing coat, a chunky boyfriend cardi and a long sleeved Drum tee.
Fashion Passion:
Everything about South Africa and the continent. It's stark contrasts, dynamic landscapes, diverse socio-political infl uences, history, subcultures, tribes, spirituality and all the weird and wonderful things that make up this country.
she is an inspiration to us all...


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