Monday, October 18, 2010


After hearing about a man who was threatening to jump to his death in Atlanta Wednesday, rapper/actor Clifford “T.I.” Harris came to the rescue. The star reportedly drove to the scene and offered to help police convince the man not to jump and it worked because the man came down from the ledge.
However, many people are speculating that this was a publicity stunt to garner positive views for him prior to a scheduled court date for his probation violation. The star spoke with v103 denying the publicity stunt claims:
For one, I’m not taking any credit I didn’t do it. I could have just as well came down there and it could have been resolved in another way. The fact of that matter is that God put me in a position or put it in my spirit to be in the position to help and I can’t take any credit for that. I didn’t wake up this morning with the intention of going down there and helping these hostage negotiators help talk someone off of the ledge. I don’t think that that could be in anyone’s plan of action. So they have every right to be critical but if not me than who? If not now than when? I think that sometimes life has things happen a certain way for a reason. 
“T.I. just happened to be in the right place at the right time,” Atlanta police spokesman James Polite said.


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