Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This monkey got sent to the dugout during a baseball game for swinging the bat, well, like a monkey.
But, funny animals may exist anywhere in nature as well. For instance, cows are funny animals. Some may say they are big, dumb beasts with pretty eyes that look at you weird. But, as those who have engaged in cow-tipping can attest, bovines are indeed funny animals.
And, there are many other funny animals to be found in the wild as well. For instance, squirrels gone wild should be a TV show or video based on the escapades of these wacky animals. Besides the real life rodents and their wacky antics there is also the cartoon character Rocky J. Squirrel of "moose and squirrel" Bullwinkle fame.Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Funny Monkey Jokes
Labels: Funny Monkey