Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just DROP the DRAMA girls! Kelly says we need to learn to ’support each other’ instead of hating!

BFFs — don’t you get tired of that petty behavior that sometimes goes on between you and your girlfriends? Well, it’s time to drop the drama and just be real! It’s all about “female empowerment,” 29-year-old Kelly Rowland said exclusively Sept. 10 at the Moschino Fashion Night Out Party in NYC. “I think it’s so important for females to celebrate who they are and be certain in that and support each other!”
“I sometimes feel like there’s a lack of that in the female community,” she told us. “You know, where there’s a size up or it’s just kind of weird. I think it’s enough of that cattiness! … The only time my friends and I call each other ‘bitches’ is when we’re playing. It’s not like in a bad, derogatory way. I never do that.”
Girls, don’t you agree with Kelly that we would all be a lot happier if we could just cut the crap and be nice to each other for a change? It would make life so much more enjoyable!


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