Thursday, July 8, 2010

This is the Horrible gate that took her life

This is little sweet Semelia Campbell

Two workmen were arrested today in connection with the death of a six-year-old girl who was crushed by an electric gate while playing hide and seek with her best friend.

Semelia Campbell is thought to have tried to slip through a sliding barrier outside her home when it opened for a car.

But as she darted through the gap, the 1,600lb wrought-iron gate slid across and caught her.

The children were playing in the yard on Monday evening when the youngster became trapped.

She cried, ‘Help me, help me!’ as she was pushed against a brick wall, while her play-mate, six-year-old Jadon Skeritt, ran to raise the alarm.

Moments later her mother, Judith Gilroy, dashed out to find her pinned against a brick post.

But her desperate efforts to shift the gate failed and by the time police forced it open, it was too late.

The 41-year-old mental health support worker said she was unable to open the gates by pressing an electronic button or using a remote control.

'To watch your child die in front of you, it’s so hard,’ she said.

‘We were pushing so hard, and the gate just wouldn’t open. I’m absolutely heartbroken.

Am just so heart broken by this story,they should put restrictions on this gates seriously.


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